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The Compassionate Mind Approach to Recovering from Complex PTSD A workshop to explore therapeutic ways to work with the effects of interpersonal trauma and shame.

Heim / Viðburður / The Compassionate Mind Approach to Recovering from Complex PTSD A workshop to explore therapeutic ways to work with the effects of interpersonal trauma and shame.
Dags.: 11. apríl, 2019
Tími: 00:00 - 00:00
Staðsetning: Hilton Reykjavík Nordica

Námskeið í tengslum við Sálfræðiþing 2019 með gestafyrirlesara þingsins. Dr. Deborah Lee

Nánar um leiðbeinanda: Dr Deborah Lee, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service & South Central Complex Treatment Service for Veterans.
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Clinical Psychology, UnivFyrirlesari:
Dr Deborah Lee, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service & South Central Complex Treatment Service for Veterans.
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Clinical Psychology, University College Londonersity College London

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